Friday, May 2, 2014

TGIF Sittin' on the porch kind of day

Happy Friday on this rainy Friday morning.
I like the rain. The fields were planted this week with corn which I will show you in my last two pics. The trees are popping with leaves and so are all the plants. Love the renewal of Springtime.
And my wrens are back...yay...I heard them this morning.

south field

north field

I just got the call from the vet, time to take Junior. He has been throwing up several times this week so have to go.
Have a wonderful weekend prim folk.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Happy Monday

Worked in my yard all weekend and DONE.
Even cut my whole lawn, which need to be done because it is going to rain all week.
Got my wren house cleaned and hung up. I have not heard them yet but they should be back any day now. My favorite songbird.
My picture is last years but these flowers are starting to peek out and boy do they put on a display.
~Have a wonderful week~

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

U of M 10 year anniversary

This is my 10 year anniversary gift.
Sterling Silver Diamond Earrings came inside this jewlery box.
I can't believe how fast these last 10 years have gone. I could tell you so many stories about my job, but it would take forever, so skip that. It's been a great job. This might not sound like a big deal to you but it is to me.

Aren't they pretty!!!!

 This piece is gone. I gave it to our daughter in law who will keep her sewing items organized. It will work perfect for her with these great drawers.
This is where it use to sit and now I am using a prim bench....I like.

Now I am on the lookout for a prim cabinet to set underneath it.
Lot's of shows and garage sales this weekend.
You know where I will be!!!
Happy Hump Day-Night

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter was a quiet one this year for us~

The weather was beautiful today this Easter Sunday. We went to church and spent the rest of the day home working in the yard.
I got some cute pictures of our kitties enjoying the sunshine.

 what did you say?
 follow me and I'll show you

 bird watchers

~Have a wonderful week~

Friday, April 18, 2014

In your Easter Bonnet...with all the frills upon it......

 I remember almost every Easter family gathering I had growing up.
And I always loved wearing a bonnet until I was 10.
It was always a big deal to get dressed up. And.....the white gloves.
So I thought these pics were so cute.

~ Have a wonderful Easter weekend ~

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fun Sunday

My grandson and grandaughter were here Sunday and had a blast.
This brings back so many memories, me and my brother would spend hours on our minibikes and cycles driving through the woods and trails where we lived.
The weather was perfect!

This is one of the fields behind our house. Lots of fun riding.
Nathan and Lauren had a blast.
And yes my daughters have riding in there blood too when growing up out here. They both love to drive and ride like me.
Have a wonderful Thursday and remember to take time for some fun whenever you can.