Saturday, March 5, 2016

Easters on its way!!!!

Prim Easter that is at my house :o)

Decor this year is only in the dining room since last year I did sell most of it at a show
 and have some in my booth at the antique mall.

Spunky thinks he is a bunny LOL


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My clean kitchen...moved around primitive smalls

Took me 5 + hours but feels good to have clean everything and changed countertop smalls. That's what I love about primitives, move it around and it looks like all new treasures.

Think I will start in the family room now ;o)


Three great things happening this month!

Despite the inches of snow expected today I am a happy camper.....
starting my Spring house cleaning ( so I don't have to look at snowflakes) and 60's heading in next week so forget the housework because I will be OUTSIDE!
When I was in Florida I bought a flat of violas so can't wait to get those in a planter near the driveway to make everyone smile.
Love have longer hours of sunlight too.
Better get busy, I hope you have a great day friends!!!!!


P.S. Only 18 more days until a great primitive show on Saturday March 19th.
"Early Homestead"
Holly Michigan

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Year tomorrow!

My sweet oldest daughter Amy has a birthday tomorrow.
She was born in 1972 weighing a huge 9 pounds 10 ounces and 23 inches long.
~Happy Birthday Amy~
Her sister missed it by one week 4 years later. Jennifer was born on March 7th. 1976

So many fond memories.


Friday, February 26, 2016

What is this item used for????? Never seen one.....

Purchased from estate sale today.
I know what I am going to use it for!

Answers much appreciated!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I hope they are right for Michigan!

We have at least 5 inches if not more right now.
It is a whiteout right now.
Glad I don't have to drive in it.
Stop already!!!!!
It suppose to continue all day and into tomorrow.


4 weeks left until Early Homestead and almost ready!

This is going to be a wonderful primitive show in Michigan
on March 19th.
My booth will be a little closer to the door this year, hope to see you there! Please stop by to chat, can't wait to see everyone.
Previous pics on todays post.

Can't wait and I hope that the weather will be a beautiful Spring day for everyone.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Back from Florida last night!

Norm and I spent 2 full weeks in Niceville Florida and had a good time with warm great weather except rain one day! Not bad hey, we timed that just right with weather that was here in Michigan.
We stayed at an Airbnb for the first time, first time I ever heard of it until I googled places to stay in Niceville and several popped up.
That will be another post later but I had to show these pictures from the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky. We spent the night in this town on the way down and always have to visit here.
Remember 2 years ago when a sinkhole took over part of it? Check this out.....they retrieved all the cars, but 2, I think?

 This yellow dome was a re-enactment 
of the floor falling in from the cave with sound effects, no thanks, walked right out but Norm thought it was cool.
 No way did I look down here!

Now my question was, too afraid to ask, why in the world would you build on top of a cave?
You can also watch a video when it started to the end. They have video cameras running 24/7 in the building and it was seen that day it happened. Amazing  and scary to watch.

So glad to be home now.
Try to catch up today on everything.
Have a wonderful day!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Random shots of my home through the years to share.

I have been pretty busy and got the idea from Janices blog Prims by the Water.

I hope you have a wonderful day
and like my pics for the day.

Warmer weather the next few days in Michigan and what a welcome relief!!!!!
Hope it stays.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hope you make the day special!
Mine is, I am in Florida spending time with my sister.
Enjoying every minute of it and have been blessed with beautiful warm weather every day so far.
Timed that just right, weather is brutally cold in Michigan right now.

~Enjoy your Valentine~