Friday, December 2, 2011


Cheryls Sheep
Happy Early Friday morning everyone in Blogland. Here we are in December and it is snowing outside and glistening in the moonlight.
Tomorrow I will finally get my tree up and decorated so I will share my holiday decos with you. It sure has been fun looking at all of your wonderful decorations and I have gotten some new ideas this year. Isn't it fun!!!!
Buy American was on the news this week. I'm in!!!! Are you?
If you spend only 64.00 it is suppose to help boost our economy and create jobs. I bought this magnifying mirror (10x) last night at Sallys Beauty supply and I can see so much better. You know what I mean. And made in USA. Wasn't 64.00 but I will make that up tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thank You So Much for my BD wishes

Thanks to all of you for making my Birthday extra special!!!!
I spent part of the day decorating and will show pictures later..first I want to finish Cheryls pics.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Birthday for me today

This is what I wanted to show you why this is a special day for me. This is me and my mom (Irlene) on the right , and on the left is my moms sisters (Betty) and my
cousin (Karen). We were born the same time, same doctor, at Mt. Carmel hospital in Detroit. We made it the papers, which was pink then. Karen and I always had a fun birthday and were always treated like we were twins. My mom passed away in 1979 and I still miss her. I was named after my parents. My dads name was Earl.
I come from a family of three brothers and one sister and growing up in a small town, well, I have many fond memories.
So my husband Norm is taking me to dinner tonight. I love going out to dinner and spending time together.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

More of Cheryls homestead

Time for dinner..I made a big pot of Chili.

Time to go make the cornbread.



Monday, November 21, 2011

Picture post

Isn't this a great Fall display!

Now onto Christmas.

Sitting Room

Today I spent the afternoon at my friend Cheryls home and she has wonderful eye candy. Thank you Cheryl for letting me share your pictures with my blogging friends. I took 62 pictures and will show you a few Fall and Christmas for now. I have a slow computer and it takes forever to load the pictures that I do have.

I wish Cheryl lived closer since we have so much fun when we get together. We both have dental careers ( she is retired) so she is a good listener when I need to

bend an ear. She is very understanding.



Saturday, November 19, 2011

busy week but a fun one

Yea it's Saturday and it is bright and sunny here this morning. This is an exciting week for me because and always has been. It will be our wedding anniversary and then Thanksgiving with family, which is always special, and my birthday is next Saturday on the 26th. If I get get a good picture on that day I will show you because it was a very special day for more then one reason and with that I will leave you hanging.

Isn't this little candlight cute! I LOVE candlelight and burning yummy scented candles. I do burn tapered candles at Thanksgiving dinner.

Enjoy your weekend friends!



Thursday, November 17, 2011

A few new pictures

My new prim side table I bought at the Breckenridge Antiques Show. It is a great size for me because I can use it for a lot of differant displays. It would make a great prim tree stand don't you think?

I should have taken a picture of the great lunch they were serving.

Wood bowl with spice bag and sugar heart on my new prim side table. It smells really spicey and good.

Sweet little prim angel for Christmas

I am enjoying my evening and I hope you are doing the same.
One more day to work and I am on vacation for a week!!
I am smiling.
Good Night Blog Friends

Friday, November 11, 2011

TGIF/Hope everyone had a great week

This is how I am feeling at the moment.

My favorite shelf sitters.

Off to the Breckenridge Antique Show tomorrow with friends. What will you be up too? Enoy what ever you decide to do.



Monday, November 7, 2011

Waynesville/Simple Goods/Primcats!

gingerbread ornie given out for the first 50 people in line. I was the last one..I lucky is that!

mini prim stockings

Mini gourds for my small prim tree. Aren't they cute!

I have always wanted one of these to hammer on the side if a prim cupboard.

For my pantry

My Arnetts Santa

Candy Canes and wax tarts a gift from Carmen at Primcats. Smells wonderful!

Thank You Carmen!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! The weather was perfect and got all my yard work done yesterday. Cut the grass, My husband raked all the leaves and the yard is looking great.

Okay I know you want to know about the show. Well...we had a really good time but get tired of fighting the crowds. I did get my Santa from Arnetts. That was my very first stop. Everything else was smalls. But had a great time looking and running into friends and had fun with my husband. He is so patient and easy going and I am so lucky. We left Friday morning and went to Waynesville first and shopped and had a great lunch. Lost my camera but backtracked and sure enough someone found it at Wooden Sunflower. How lucky is that! Thank you to that honest person who took it to the counter!

After the show Norm and I stopped by to meet and visit with Carmen at Primcats! Thank you Carmen and Shane for your hospitality! I wish we could have stayed longer. And I LOVED!!! her primcats! Very sweet and she takes wonderful care of them. I have never seen that many cats in one place...spoiled cats too!

Have a wonderful week!
