Thursday, August 15, 2013

Has this ever happened to you?

I was driving home tonight after work ( 32 miles) listening to the radio, 80's station on Sirius, and do not remember the drive. Traffic light, stop sign, nothing!
Let me tell you the music that was playing was awsome. Every tune that played brought back memories of those times. Good, bad, happy and sad.
I can remember exactly what I was doing then at each  one.
I pull up the driveway and ask myself how the heck did I get home?
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meet our new kitty...Junior

Well.....this is Junior.
He actually showed up at our house about 3 weeks ago.
Good thing we love cats because we are keeping him.
He is about 6 months old...and he has an appointment at the vet on Tuesday morning to be neutered.
He loves sleeping on my porch.
Look at his little tongue sticking out in the first was hot that day.
Anyway, he is not coming in the house because Norm wants him for the shop cat a mouser.

Tomorrow is Hump Day already.
Make it a good one.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Some of my pillow collection

I have a huge collection of pillows and they are scattered around the house. These are just a few, I have many packed away for the seasons.

 This is a hooked pillow I purchased a couple of weeks ago. The muted colors look good on my sofa.  Looks faded in this pic though but has great mustard hues.

 This is OLM misfit  ordered from her a few weeks back.

 This pillow is filled with sawdust.
 Aw kitty


At the end of this month I will be setting out all my Fall .
Have a wonderful weekend friends.

Monday, August 5, 2013


We lost out sweet kitty Emma on Saturday.
She had cancer in her leg that spread.
She was 16 years old.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday with Team Rachel JDRF 2013

 This is Rachel, my 12 year old, 3rd. born grandchild  and today was her day.
"Team Rachel"
 This is my daughter Amy and Rachels mom
Love you both so so much.
 This was the starting line, it doesn't look like many people, but there was.
The weather was perfect. The walk started at 9:45 and the ceremony was over at 11:30.
 Left to right is Nathan my 12 year old grandson, his sister ( granddaughter Lauren 9, Rachel 12, her friend who joined us, and Madison ( granddaughter) 16.
 Here is grandma ( me) with all 4 of them.
 Free massages...could not pass that up!
 My younger daughter Jennifer...could not pass that up!
( I had one too) LOL
Felt so good after the walk.
 Madison and State Police  canine dog.

This is a great oganization.
I hope I see a cure in my lifetime!!!!
If you would like to make a donation the website is at the top of the page and you could do it under
 " Team Rachel"
Please do not feel obligated because I did this post, that is not my intention.
The walk was on the Michigan State Campus, East Lansing Michigan.


Monday, July 29, 2013

working...we'll see

I think bloglovin is finally working!!!<a href=">claim=xp6ewxvnctd">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Working in my yard and garden all day Saturday

Me picking cherry tomatoes. I have a grape red and an orange colored that is very tasty. The bowl was full but I ate half of them. 
See the size of my 2 sunflower plants behind me? The other tall plants are the Cup Plant.
( I look awful....oh well)

 Love my terra cotta chicken in front of my zinnias.

Wish I could spend everyday..all day here. I never get tired of gardening.
~Have a great week~