Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Eye candy you don't want to miss!!!!

I had the day off today, took off at 9 and did a little shopping and met at a friends house for lunch. 
I had a blast....thank you Nancy!
This is the most adorable Cape Cod garden, this sweet lady is so talented.


Puts me in the mood to garden....except it's raining.
I have the weekend though!
Gardening is good for the soul.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Saturday

Picking my sister up this morning for our weekend plant shopping .

 Found hanging basket and them here.

 My clematis starting blooming! I have 2 types on this arbor, a white and yellow.

 Wrens in my gourd birdhouse.
 I stopped at a rummage sale yesterday and found this breadboard for 50 cents!!!!!! Lucky find.

 New bowlrack.
Need to take the truck to pick up mulch for some areas of my gardens.
I got these yesterday on my way to the doctor . ( Found out I have Dry Eye and have to use Restasis everyday, maybe 2 times a day) 
Put these on my garden shed, plants are marked down now this time of year.

Happy Saturday



Sunday, June 8, 2014

Garden update

The first three pics are lucky sit by the garbage items by my house on Friday. It's all I could fit in my trunk. This was right down the road from me and by the time I drove home to get the truck and go back it was ALL gone. Great prim stuff too...dang it! I mean it was 5 minutes time....really!
 Cute homemade footstool and I have been looking for one to use as a plant stand in my yard.
Old iron stand. I think this as an old shaving stand?
What so you think it was used for? 
 My gardens are growing great but nothing is blooming yet.

~Enjoy your day~

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Peonies are opening and are so pretty this year.
These are over 30+ years old.

Hope your week is going happy and well.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sunday ride on the Honda

We took off early and went to Hickory Hills which a museum of old cars, bikes, toys....
the weather was perfect.
We have had this bike now for 10 years. Great riding bike and we have traveled lots of places on it. It was my husbands 50th birthday present to himself and now tomorrow June 3rd. is his big 60!!!!!
In July we are taking off on another trip.
We ended up breaking down and buying new helmets this year along with audio so we can talk to each other without yelling and it's going to be a long trip.
And yes we can fit everything we need in this bike.
Who else likes to travel on a bike?
prayers to Carmen and Shane Erb ( PRIMCATS). Shane hit a deer on his bike ( or should I say the deer hit him) and was hurt pretty bad but will be okay in time. Carmen was driving a truck behind him when it happened and saw everything . Love you two and hope your recovery is on the way.

Have a good night...gotta go, storms are getting bad!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Cuteness for the day

Can you see it. Caught my eye because of the glistening.
Toad, tree toad? Not sure but how cute is this!

It blended in with the cement!

It must be living in the birdhouse next to it.
I need to read up about these little guys.
Sitting there so still and it is 87 degrees out.
Happy Saturday

Friday, May 30, 2014


Spending today catching up on housework since I did not do much last weekend because we were gone alot and busy for the holiday.
My sisters 72 birthday is June 1st. so getting stuff done today so we can spend the day tomorrow hanging out and having fun.
My husbands big 60 is on June 3rd. Hmmm what's in store for him?
Well time to get back to housework...enjoy your weekend.
Sharing a picture from Pinterest...
I love this kitchen.