Sunday, November 9, 2014

1855 Realy House / Passion For The Past Blog

 A wonderful afternoon and evening with Dick and Dawn Rossell!
What fun!!!!!

 German  candlelight dinner that was VERY delicious!!!
(private event)
 backside of Dick and Dawn

 Check ( google) out this wonderful couples blog listed at the post title. 
Outside looking in. Should be a postcard don't you think?
This homestead is 5 miles from me and next tour will be on Dec. 6th. and 7th. "Christmas on the Farm ".
Open to the public and a must see!!!
Part 2 pictures to follow this week.
Have a wonderful week.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Reese bath

Last night I googled what to do if your dog is sprayed by a skunk.
I must say it did worked pretty darn good.
I have Reese staying in the basement landing where it is warm. Not sure if I will let him inside the house though, only the landing.
My sisters dog was sprayed last year and her house smelled for months. DON'T want that to happen!!!
I washed his cage and made a trip to the store for a new pet bed to put back in his cage.
Here is the recipe for the bath.
t. soap ( I used Dawn)
1 qt. peroxide
1/2 cup baking soda
Mix in 1 quart water
That's it!
I mixed it in a bucket because it warns you not to leave closed in a container because it could explode.
Just my luck.

Don't forget to VOTE today.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Spent the day in the yard

Todays weather was perfect so took advantage of it early, since it is dark by 6 now. I let Spunky out with me, he never leaves my side was so funny watching him run around in the leaves. 
I also have my grand dog Reese for a week so the two of them played all afternoon....very cute.
This is what they looked like
tonight. LOL!!!
Wait it gets better...
I decided to go out and start a fire, let them play some more , enjoy the fresh air and moonlight.
Well... a skunk had better ideas.
Reese got sprayed so he is spending the night on the porch tonight.
Of course the dang thing had to run under my porch. The cat is ok, I am ok, but poor Reese. He didn't get it in the eyes but on his side.
Glad it's still warm out so she won't get cold.
 This was the two of them last night.
Sleep tight.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

November has always been a special month.
My moms birthday is today ( she passed away in 1979)
my dads is the 23rd. ( he passed away 13 years ago)
and mine is the 26th. 
We always had big family celebrations and I have many wonderful memories that get me through.

Off to my grandsons football game today which first place is in the works for the year. ~~Go Nathan~~Go Team
It is very cold so dressing warm and taking several blankets.
Sad the trick or treats froze last night. 

Have a warm and wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Last Ash Tree cut down in our yard.....

It was the last one standing but it needed to go, it has been dead for 2 years and posed a danger of falling on a car in our driveway.
The weather was perfect so the tree trimming team had it all down by 5:00.
75 degrees yesterday and it stayed in the 60's all night.
This is how we spent our evening!
No need to hunt for firewood now .
Small fire, glass of wine....relaxing.

Storms moving in for this afternoon and then the temps will drop drop.
Snow on the weekend (hope not)

Enjoy your day!!!!