Saturday, April 20, 2013

Look what we woke up to this morning ARGHH!!!!!

At least the sun is shining and it will melt. Only 42 degrees today but warming as the week goes on. ~Enjoy your Saturday~ ~Earlene~

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I was on my way to Quincy and spotted an Estate Sale sign. WOOHOO ...had to stop. The shoe stretchers, prim wisk broom, barrel on my porch and horsehair scrub brush came from there. 23.00 for all of it! We stopped at a garden center..itchin to plant...and loved this red geranium, which is still sitting in my house. Buddy had to put in his 2 cents worth and would not give up this chair on the porch. Guess who won! Anyway the cute little box with the candle in it, sitting on my coffee table, was adorable with great patina and decided I needed it. A cute piece to sit or hang. Tomorrow morning is my 2 week checkup since my spine injection and so far it has helped. We'll see how soon I have to have another one. I hope your enjoying your Spring. ~Earlene~

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

****Giveaway Time**** Thank you so much for all your very sweet SPRING ! It was so much fun reading all of them and made me smile. I bet you liked them too.

Okay I know your waiting. I wish I could send you all something. I called my friend Dawn from Holly Hills Primitives and asked for 2 numbers....1 thru 19 (following).... 1 thru 5 (new followers). she picked 15 which is Pamela at Pioneer Homestead...and 3 which is Carla at (she has 2 blogs) Studio 206 and The River. Congrats ladies and send me your address and I will ship your package out Friday on my day off. ~~Primitive Blessings~~ ~Earlene~

Friday, April 12, 2013

New Spring pics of my yard after 2 days and 3 nights of heavy how it is greening up.

So excited about gardening this year now that my leg issues are gone. Thanks for all your well wishes, you are all sp special to me. oxox Earlene

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Giveaway Time~My followers and new followers~keep reading

I am so excited about Spring on it's way I wanted to do a something fun so I am having another give-away. It starts today and ends in one week.
This giveaway will have 2 winners! My current followers and new followers.
Here are the rules: I thought it would be fun to tell me what you like about Spring using the letters from SPRING. That's it!
~~Have fun~~

Adding to your sidebar is
Much appreciated.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Feeling better

Morning friends!
I was not going to post this but I know some of you knew I was having it done. The picture is not me but you get the idea.
For a LONG time I have had pain and very heavy leg syndrome which has really slowed me down.
But keep plugging away until it started becoming almost crippling to me.
I had a steroid injection in my L4L5 yesterday morning under IV sedation...did not feel a thing! And don't remember much either.
I have orders to do NOTHING but rest for the next 5 days.
The best part of it so far is my pain and heaviness is GONE!
I go for follow-up visit in 2 weeks.
I sure hope it lasts awhile. I may need more injections from time to time and I will gladly do it if it keeps me functioning better.
Enough of that now.

This will be our weather here for the next three days but warmer. It's fine with me because everything will pop out and bloom. I will just get comfy on my porch and the rain.
We have lost a lot of trees in our yard so I want to get some flowering bushes planted ( my husband will plant them) this Spring. Any suggestions?
Enjoy your weekend friends!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

My new bowl rack ( was a carrier)

 How do you like my new carrier turned into bowl rack. This was my big purchase at the Spring Breckenridge Antique Show. This summer it would look nice with geraniums in it don't you think?
 side view
 Sits in the center of my table. I like it alot.

 This is some Cat Grass I planted for Easter. My cats went crazy for it. I set it on the floor at night for a snack before bedtime.
 Sock bunny and rusty tin box.
 Move my prim box to the top of my fridge.

 Very old crock
That's all for today folks.
I am thinking about doing another giveaway but need to work out the details so check back.
Off to dinner.